Once upon a time, not so long ago,
There was a girl, a queen if you may.
Fair in skin, a spark in her eyes,
smart in her walk, yet dumb in her talk,
Boys but a game, shopping her domain.
Phone her favorite toy, be it with girl or guy.
Her antics funny, her personality sunny,
the tinkle in her voice, her cheerful demeanour,
encourages one to go hug her now.
The empty feeling, deep within,
the hearty aches and sudden mood swings,
Is this Love...?, I ask you mae.
She hears it all, she listens well,
then laughs a smile, oh shatter, oh pour.
She talks of love, as a child might do,
no pasts, no future, only presents do.
Oh come to me, she tells him too,
and the other and other, she tells them all.
The lover boy, he talks the walk,
promises palaces on clouds thus formed.
With a wave of her hand, a queeny dismissal.
She choses another, one of his own,
he cries foul, she laughs again.
A joke then, a joke forever,
a broken heart, a jilted mind.
Alone he goes, the horizon far,
A vow taken, for a return naught.
Anger in his mind, tears in his heart
A heart wrenched open, an eye dried wide.
left to the hounds to feats upon.
Forsaken by friends, hunted by foes,
As misery be, the fate of an escapee.
Alone he birthed, alone he shall die,
a freedom of naught, a love well earned.
Once upon a time, not so long ago,
There was a girl, a queen if you may.
Fair in skin, a spark in her eyes,
smart in her walk, yet dumb in her talk,
Boys but a game, shopping her domain.
Phone her favorite toy, be it with girl or guy.
Her antics funny, her personality sunny,
the tinkle in her voice, her cheerful demeanour,
encourages one to go hug her now.
The empty feeling, deep within,
the hearty aches and sudden mood swings,
Is this Love...?, I ask you mae.
She hears it all, she listens well,
then laughs a smile, oh shatter, oh pour.
She talks of love, as a child might do,
no pasts, no future, only presents do.
Oh come to me, she tells him too,
and the other and other, she tells them all.
The lover boy, he talks the walk,
promises palaces on clouds thus formed.
With a wave of her hand, a queeny dismissal.
She choses another, one of his own,
he cries foul, she laughs again.
A joke then, a joke forever,
a broken heart, a jilted mind.
Alone he goes, the horizon far,
A vow taken, for a return naught.
Anger in his mind, tears in his heart
A heart wrenched open, an eye dried wide.
left to the hounds to feats upon.
Forsaken by friends, hunted by foes,
As misery be, the fate of an escapee.
Alone he birthed, alone he shall die,
a freedom of naught, a love well earned.