Saturday, December 06, 2008

A thought for a thought

Its not everyday that you actually sit down and think about things. Ya it happens by accident mostly specially when we are in the loo. It is said we get our best ideas in the loo, atleast its true for me. But that's enough about it all, the main point of focus is that I was thinking. And while thinking I thought about what I was really thinking. You may think its about the most hopeless attempts of mine so far in my blog journey and maybe you should give up on my post just about now. But I implore you, stick with me for sometime more and it WILL make sense... somehow. You know theres always this gnawing feeling inside as if theres something missing. I have somehow never made peace with myself. It's always I couldn't get this. I couldn't get that. Its as if I have never been satisfied with the results unless they were in my favour and then too I just accepted it and moved on to another bout of cribbing. In essence my journey in life so far has been just about cribbing. Why do I feel so, is it just another pang of misery which led me to write this post? No it isn't, I am writing this post because I have always observed a little of me in everyone I meet. Maybe it's just my way of saying thanks, or my inability to react to a compliment, or my anger or my ego ... The list is endless and seemingly so is the flow of people into and out of my life.  Call me a self centred b*****d for "me" meing all this while, but its true. 

A little analysis showed me exactly what I knew all this while. The journey is always the essence of any thing we do. The hunt is always better than the kill, the courtship is always the best part of the romance. We see numerous such example still fail to realise the one thing thats the most important, "NOW". 

Our now is always a mix of the past and the future... the real present is usually gone before we realise it and then it becomes a part of the unchangeable past. If only we devoted some time to the future, the past would be ... well the past.. and future would be really something worth celebrating.  But then we never know what the future holds so why not cherish the present before it becomes the past. 

I have heard people say that though our mind has "unlimited" potential, only a fragment of it is tapped by us "normal" beings while some who exploit it more gain extraordinary powers. I say its bullshit. Though I acknowledge and respect the "extraordinary" men who went and did which we could not, but its not because what they have, but more because what they don't have. The thing which probably they didn't have in their minds is the trash that we keep collecting and storing moment after moment. We select the most useless piece of information out of what is available to us and store it in the most coveted storage place we have, our brain. When it is time to store the more important information useful time is spent in selecting which "useless" information to remove to make space for the new "important and useful" information. A little tidbit to prove my point. Did you know that Thomas Alva Edison used to take out his diary when asked for a address and could not remember any without the diary? Would you call such a great scientist an idiot for not remembering one's address? surely he should have been more capable with an IQ like his? It was more due to his insistence on NOT memorizing them than anything else which led to this. He did not want his mind filled with seemingly useless things like addresses which could be stored in a diary rather than some interesting theory he could use for an invention of his. The potential of our mind is what we make it to be and not the other way around.

I believe in the power of man, that man alone has the power to shape his/her own destiny. Just about everything is in our own hands should we chose to exercise our right and claim the reigns. Too long have we employed the services of the unnamed, faceless strangers to the task of running our lives, its time we took control and gave it a direction we thought right. One in my place often wonders, and I do too, about the direction his/her life is taking and not just about career, even generally. Often after 30-40 years of life one feels like asking oneself what is it that we have really achieved. I don't think I can answer it yet and I hope I can answer it someday. I don't wish to see my epitaph saying "he was a good man and he led an honest life", I do not want to see "he achieved the pinnacle of success..." what I really want to see is "he was content on how his life had shaped, he has no regrets".

I want to die ... NO ... live a content man... A man who has no regrets when he sees his past from the present, a man who dreams about a present like future....

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