Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I just came across this wonderful concept called IHL.. it is supposedly a spoof on IPL and they've done a pretty good job on it. 

Here are some virals I found on youbtube. For the latest one you would have to go to the website obviously. For now .. Enjoy..!

5 rambles:

Keshi said...

LOL funny!


Utopia said...

heheh! that sure was funny.

Utopia said...

oh and ur "about me" poem is one of my oldest favouritest poems but i guess anybody who has a thing for poetry would love robert frost's work.

Gypsy Couple said...

yep it was really funny...!!

@Utopia I know, its one childhood favs that has withstood the test of time ..

Ziddu and Inzoo said...

Arre Jai ho ..!!! Inzoo aur Ziddu ke bol har zubaan par hain ...!!!

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